October 22, 2015

6 years

Six years ago I left Holland after visiting my mom. We spent a great two days together and planned our next visit. Two days after I left she had the car accident that took her life. When I reflect on her passing and our relationship I no longer become overwhelmed with sadness. I now reflect with gratitude for the wonderful closeness we shared and the things she passed down to me.

Because of my mom:

I am giving
I am faithful
I love music
I love to clean
I love gardening
I know how to sacrifice
I have a positive work ethic
I am an enthusiastic traveler
I have a thirst for knowledge
I have a lifetime of memories
I know how to do the chicken dance
I have traditions to carry on with my son

The loss of my mom was the biggest and most difficult struggle I have experienced to this point in my life. There were dark days I was not sure I would get through. But I did. I miss her every single day.

All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.
~ Abraham Lincoln 

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