June 27, 2008

My Boy

He picked his own haircut. It is spiked. He even had her put blue hair gel in it. Oh, he reminds me of someone I know very well! We are in trouble.

80's Punk Rocker.

June 25, 2008


I was chatting with a friend yesterday. She said that she couldn't stay in a work situation because she didn't trust the people she worked with. I wonder if you have to trust someone to learn from them? I think you don't.

June 11, 2008

Long Time, No Blog!

It is summertime in Texas. The sun is shining and swimming is in progress.

I am in a new job so I am without vacation this summer. My boy and his dad are going on vacation Saturday. They are taking a manly trip to Colorado. They are even talking about tents. I am jealous that a trip is happening but not so jealous about the camping idea.

I am so busy I need a break. I love my new job but want to take a day this weekend to do some writing. A week without writing is like a month without chocolate. Quote me.

Ta Ta!

June 03, 2008


Well, the finals are over. No more basketball in my life until about October. I am glad the Spurs went as far as they did...and the hate is leaving my heart. But I still wish the worst for the Lakers. I don't have a desire to change that feeling.

Summer is here and my boy is in camp. He goes by the name of "Ice Dude" in camp. I love it. I am so glad he likes it. Okay, everyone else was right. When he got home yesterday he jumped up and hugged me. He said, "Thank you, thank you, thank you for letting me go to camp!". I will take that as a good thing.

Summer sun to all.