January 12, 2011


So, I let the cat (so to speak) out of the bag on Facebook Tuesday night. By midday Wednesday I had received five congratulations calls. There is a new relationship in my life.

Much to the dismay of many, I assume, as I am a frequent “pro-no relationship” kind of girl.This relationship wasn’t my idea. It was my son’s idea. He’s been wanting this to happen for years. I have moved from being adamantly opposed to being open. Together we began the search to find the perfect match several months ago.

My apprehension? Why bring another into my home? Disrupt my even flow? To be tied down?To feed another? To clean up mess? And put up with smell? Yes, you heard me right. I said smell.

But he came home with us on Saturday after we met. Yes, we moved him right in. And I fell in love. Yes, love.

We now go for walks. We cuddle on the sofa. And believe it or not, I have even found myself talking like a baby to him. I know. Me, talking like a baby!

I leave in the morning with a promise to return. And I can’t wait to walk in the door to see him.To giggle when he does something “cute”. And he does so many cute things.

I’ve not given into kisses at this point, it seems too early in the relationship. But I do cuddle.

So, I want everyone to meet him. His name is Max. And I think he is adorable!

(I know I should not let him be seen in the cone of shame...but I cannot keep him to myself any longer!)

I am babbling about him. And even looking for pet friendly hotels for our future. I cannot believe I have a pet. This is my first. And I am completely head over heels for the little guy.

Amazingly, this is a real commitment!


Betty Kurecka said...

Isn't love grand! Welcome to my world. It's a wonderful place full of love and laughter mixed with a few "Noooooooooo's" and lots of "ahs and oohs".

Paula said...

I can't believe myself. I never knew I would love an animal!!!!