January 06, 2010

Big Day

Today was a big day because it was the busiest day I have had in a while.

The day started with making a quick shepherd costume for my son that he had to wear to the Epiphany mass at his school today. I knew before he went on Christmas break that he needed the costume today but I put it off until two hours before the big event. With a few adjustments to two white pillow cases...tada! Shepherd. He did a beautiful reading during the service. I was very proud of him.

I attended the monthly Dallas TAAP meeting. It was announced that we would not have our annual Nova conference. That is a big disappointment. I have enjoyed working on that conference for several years; but, it is a sign of the times, perhaps. Most people cannot afford to pay for a conference and those who can can't take the time off work to attend.

Following the meeting I had a great and productive phone conversation and I sat up a few meetings for the next week. I even sold my sofa today!

I went to the weekly DI meeting my son attends. The group did very well today. They worked together well and are developing a great team.

As far as my detox goes...the results were similar to yesterday. I did very well all day but when I came home I ate something on the "nope" list. I am not proud. But, I am honest. One day I will go a full 24 hours doing the "right thing". I promise to tell you when that happens.

Until then.....

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