March 12, 2019

From Brene Brown

If your faith asks you to find the face of God in everyone you meet, that should include the politicians, media, and strangers on social media with whom you most violently disagree. When you desecrate their divinity, you desecrate your own, and betray your humanity.

If you are offended or hurt when you hear Hillary Clinton called bitch, whore, or the c-word, you should be equally offended and hurt when you hear those same words used to describe Ivanka Trump or Kellyanne Conway. 

If you’re offended by a meme of Trump Photoshopped to look like Hitler, then you shouldn’t have Obama Photoshopped to look like the Joker on your Facebook feed.

Successful dehumanizing, creates moral exclusion. Groups targeted based on their identity—gender, ideology, skin color, ethnicity, religion, age—are depicted as “less than” or criminal or even evil. The targeted group eventually falls out of the scope of who is naturally protected by our moral code.

There is a line. It’s etched from dignity. And raging, fearful people from the right and left are crossing it at unprecedented rates every single day. We must never tolerate dehumanization—the primary instrument of violence that has been used in every genocide recorded throughout history.

~ Brene Brown 

March 05, 2019

Autoimmune Support Group

I was rebellious. I did not want to do what it was going to take to make the major diet changes you told me about. I believed you when you told me the results would be worth it, but I didn’t want to go through the discomfort change would inevitably bring. 

Fast food was easy. Processed food was addictive. Sodas were my lifeblood. I was in a hurry. I was too tired to plan for meals. 

I finally did it. 3-weeks ago. 

I am no longer bloated. My body does not ache. I haven’t needed a nap. My mind is more clear. I am not as hungry as I was before. I’ve lost 13 pounds without trying. 

Thank you for being patient with me while I proved to myself that my own way was not working. 

Hard Headed