December 09, 2014


I received a phone call this morning congratulating me for the success of the Collegiate Recovery Program at UNT.  I appreciate of anyone thinking of me, but this CRP has nothing to do with me.  I have simply watched a group of students come together (with the tireless help from one of the DAR staff) and build something that was missing.

One of the students told me it was selfish.  They needed the CRP at UNT so they helped create one.  I don't see selfishness in any of the efforts.  The work the students in and supportive of recovery are doing today is laying a foundation for students they have never, and may never, meet.  This is how a legacy begins...and what an incredible inheritance they will offer the future of the university. 

If you haven't stopped by their recovery center on campus or attended one of their meetings yet, make time soon.  No matter your relationship with recovery, there is something there for you...and who knows..there is probably someone who needs what you have to offer, as well. 

I am humbled by their service.